Milk Thistle Is A Long Kept Secret Of The Mediterranean

Milk Thistle Benefits

milk thistle benefits

Milk thistle is an herb that is found all throughout the Mediterranean region. It has been used in traditional remedies in Greece, Italy, and even as far back as ancient Rome. Recently, the advent of conventional, medical science has allowed us to learn more about its potential value in the human body.

Milk thistle has silymarin as its principal active ingredient. Silymarin may be valuable to the body thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the antioxidants found within it. Although both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents are known to be valuable, there are still some mysteries around the efficacy of milk thistle in some cases.

Antioxidants are critical for maintaining strength, health, and vitality as one ages. They prevent small-scale cellular damage caused by free radicals, which can eradicate the “blueprint” of a cell and make it difficult for the body to produce a replacement cell of equal quality.

Anti-inflammatory agents in the diet have been connected with a wide variety of possible health improvements. Unhealthy levels of inflammation have been associated with organ damage, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular issues including heart attack and stroke.

Milk thistle has been applied in treating all of the following:

— Reduction of cholesterol levels and support of more elastic, “supple” arteries

— Improvement and management of Type II diabetes symptoms and cirrhosis

— Retardation of the growth of cancer cells during cervical and prostate cancer

Traditionally, milk thistle has been used in the treatment of liver damage. However, there is not yet enough research on milk thistle and how it works to indicate that it has clinically significant effects for the liver.

On the other hand, people suffering from diabetes have demonstrated blood sugar improvements and improved insulin resistance when milk thistle was added in the appropriate amounts to their ongoing, conventional treatments.

As research continues, more uses of milk thistle are sure to emerge.