The Fantastic Fat Soluble Vitamins

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The Fantastic Fat Soluble Vitamins

When it comes to vitamin manufacturing, there are two classifications under which all vitamins fall: fat soluble or water soluble. Knowing the difference between the two can be very important to reduce toxicity that can occur when too much of one type in ingested.


What Does Fat Soluble Mean?


The word soluble basically means something that can be dissolved. Fat-soluble vitamins can be dissolved in fat, while water-soluble vitamins can be dissolved in water.

Fat-soluble vitamins are dissolved in the fat globules that travel through the small intestines. They circulate through the blood until they settle in the tissues of the body where they are stored. They are used over a period of time and are not flushed out of the body as water-soluble vitamins are. As the body uses these vitamins, the supply becomes reduced and you must replenish them to keep reaping the multiple benefits they provide. The most common fat-soluble vitamins are:


Vitamin D


Due to the limited amount that can be found in foods, this vitamin is commonly found in vitamin manufacturing. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential to strong bones. People who do not get enough Vitamin D could develop bones that are soft, thin, or brittle. Some studies show that this vitamin can help in treating or preventing:


• Autoimmune diseases
• Heart disease
• Depression
• Diabetes
• Autism
• Certain Cancers
• Weight gain


Vitamin A


Found in many foods, Vitamin A works to keep eyes healthy by reducing the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. It helps keep the immune system strong and keeps many organs, such as the heart and lungs, functioning properly. Some studies show that Vitamin A can reduce the risk of cancer, especially that of the lung.


Vitamin E


An antioxidant that is popular in vitamin manufacturing, Vitamin E protects cells from the free radicals that enter the body and attempt to cause damage. Regular intake of this vitamin can help ward off bacterial and viral infections and prevent blood clots. Other health effects include:


• Prevention of heart disease
• Reduction in cancer risk
• Slowing the rate of vision loss
• Retention of mental function and cognition


Vitamin K


Important for building and maintaining strong, healthy bones, Vitamin K helps transport calcium through the body. It works to regulate normal blood clotting, which can help with healing when an injury occurs. Those with a Vitamin K deficiency can bruise easier and are subject to excessive bleeding.

It is important to note that using too much of a fat-soluble vitamin can cause hypervitaminosis, a potentially dangerous condition, so be sure to follow the recommendations as listed.