Prostate Health – Reduce The Risk Of An Enlarged Prostate

Supplements For Men

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that circles the urethra. After age forty, men often experience problems related to an enlarged prostate gland. An enlarged prostate is not cancer but it can cause discomfort. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include frequent urination often coupled with the inability to fully empty the bladder. Because the symptoms of an enlarged prostate often mimic other more serious conditions such as prostate cancer, it is important to see a doctor if you develop these symptoms. Is there a way to avoid the discomfort of an enlarged prostate altogether? Certainly! Men should consider taking a nutritional supplement designed for optimum prostate health.

Studies have shown that a diet rich in zinc and lycopene can reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate problems. Lycopene is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in tomatoes, carrots, watermelon and papaya. Antioxidants work to reduce free radicals in the body which destroy cells. Zinc is found in seeds, beans, whole grains and shellfish. Experts recommend that a man take a supplement containing antioxidants and at least 50 to 100 milligrams of zinc to promote prostate health. While these nutritional supplements cannot undo an enlarged prostate, it can reduce a man’s chances of developing uncomfortable symptoms related to an enlarged prostate in the first place.

Another substance that seems to promote prostate health is soy. The health benefits of soy were discovered by scientists who studied why it seems that Japanese men suffer less prostate related problems than do western men. It was found that the Japanese men enjoy soy products such as tofu and miso more often that do western men. Soy products contain a chemical called an isoflavanoid which also has been proven to prevent glandular cancers, such as prostate cancer. Since the average American man probably is not going to change his eating habits if he does not already eat tofu, a nutritional supplement containing isoflavanoids is recommended to reduce his chances of developing prostate problems.

If you are concerned about the health of your prostate, then make time for an annual physical after age forty. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, try to avoid red meat and drink a lot of water. It is also important to get regular exercise. If you are overweight, lose weight and limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume each day. Taking a supplement designed for prostate health will also help to ensure that you get enough lycopene, zinc and soy into your system to reduce the risk of developing symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

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