Bitter Orange As Safe Alternative to Ephedra

Natural Source Of Dietary Supplements

Bitter Orange – The Safe Alternative to EphedraThe best marmalade in the world is made from Seville oranges. Also known as the bitter orange, the Seville orange is renowned for its bitter rind, which is what gives marmalade its characteristic bitterness. But there’s so much more toSevilleoranges than just their popularity in making marmalade. Actually, there are also health and nutritional benefits to eating this bitter fruit or supplements made from the fruit or its rind. This versatile fruit can do a lot more for you than just give you something to spread on your breakfast toast in the morning. It can also help you to lose weight.

In ancient Chinese medicine, bitter orange is used in conjunction with certain herbs as an appetite suppressant and weight loss aid. In fact, when Ephedra was banned by theUnited States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA), many weight loss supplement manufacturers replaced Ephedra with Seville orange in their products. There is a stimulant present in this type of orange that encourages fat loss and can also suppress the appetite, partially because of its bitter taste. It’s becoming more and more popular as a weight loss aid, and more and more people are starting to rave about its appetite-suppressing and fat-burning properties.

There have been concerns in the past about the safety of using bitter orange as a weight loss supplement. Some people had claimed that the stimulants in this orange acted similarly to the stimulants that made Ephedra so dangerous as an appetite suppressant. But recent studies conducted by the FDA have shown that the Seville orange is quite safe, and so those who want to use it as a weight loss aid are free to continue doing so without having to worry about whether or not they’re putting their overall health at risk just to lose a few pounds.

If you’re looking for bitter orange supplements or other nutritional supplements that contain this safe and natural stimulant, you need look no further than your local health food store. Many of the weight loss aids that used to contain Ephedra now contain Seville orange rind instead. It’s easy to find, and it’s as effective as it has ever been. Now that people know that it’s safe to use for this purpose, it’s becoming more and more popular, and more and more products are boasting it as an ingredient. If you want to find it, you’re sure to be able to find it.