Beyond The Supplement Formula

Custom Supplement Formulation


It’s no big secret that vitamin manufacturing involves creating the right formulas for the right situation. Whether it’s an aloe colon cleanse or a Whey Protein powder, formulas are the backbone of your success. But when you’re putting products on shelves, you have to look beyond the supplement formulas if you really want to thrive in the industry.

The reason? Your company’s brand identity has to stand out in a crowded marketplace. In order to do so, you have to not only deliver great formulas for your supplements but take care during the process of vitamin manufacturing to ensure that you create products that will get noticed in any store and that will build your brand identity. In short, you have to go deeper than formulas

To see what we mean, look at two of the key ways that your supplements can be customized during the vitamin manufacturing process to deliver a brand-friendly product:


• Packaging – Your packaging needs to extend your brand in a significant way. This means that it should be designed using the right colors, naming schemes, and the logo that your customers associate with you and your company. But there’s more than this to think about. For instance, are you using jars? Cartons? What about blister packaging? You need to consider what is best for your customers and your brand, and then choose packaging that matches that as well as possible.

•  Supplement Type – Not the actual formula, but how it’s delivered. For example, protein powders are obviously in the powder formula. But today’s supplements could be in a tablet form, capsules, or even gummies. When you begin the process of vitamin manufacturing, you’ll want to think about supplement type to make sure that you create a product that not only fits into the lives of your customers, but that extends your brand.


These two basic factors will have a huge impact on the way that your company is perceived and on how it stands out in the supplement and vitamin marketplaces. You’ll obviously want to begin by paying attention to your supplement formulas, but always remember that there’s more to it than that. When it comes to vitamin manufacturing, everything from packaging type to color schemes will have a direct impact on standing out and growing a dedicated customer base.